My third novel series in the role of literary showrunnerhas allowed me to fulfill a teenage dream:
to translate into contemporary narrative form the Matter of Britain as collected by theArthurian Vulgate, updated with the introduction
of Celtic mythology.
Grail 5: The Grail Quest and the Destiny of England
Volume that closes the arch of the quest for the Holy Grail adapting the final chapters
from Volume IV of the Vulgate, The Quest
for the Grail.
Arthur 6: King Arthur
on the Throne of Blood
First part of the cycle that chronicles the end
of Arthur's reign. Adaptation of Death
of king Arthur, last volume of the Vulgate,
and La Morte d'Artur by Sir Thomas Mallory.
Arthur 7: King Arthur
and the Battle of Twilight
Second part of the cycle that chronicles Kings Arthur's fall and closes the collection, adapting Death of king Arthur, last volume of the Vulgate, and La Morte d'Artur by Sir Thomas Mallory.